Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Time Bandits... It's like Little People Big World, but with 67% more time travel.

Perhaps Terry Gilliam's greatest movie (second only to Brazil) Time Bandits is a much watch for anyone who loves midgets, time travel or Sean Connery fighting Minotaurs (well just one minotaur really). It's like being on acid while being accompanied by the guy who was inside R2D2. This has to be one of the greatest movies about a boy who is taken by midgets and travel through time as they steal from various historical figures. You have to wonder where Terry Gilliam would come up with the concept for time travelling midgets who get into a labour dispute with essentially God over repairs to the Space/Time continuum. Oh also great cameos by some of Gilliam's old Monty Python buddies cement this movie awesome pure awesome.
Through out you can't help feel sorry for the Kevin (the little boy protagonist) as he tries to find a father figure to latch onto. And thats the thing about Time Bandits it really is a journey about a boy trying to find a place in his family. He can't seem to connect to his parents so he goes searching for a substitute. Instead Kevin finds that his parents are really the only ones he has and he loves them, regardless of how detached they may be at times. And like any good journey it culminates with... well... I won't spoil it but damn if its not one of the saddest endings to a movie ever. Its like someone kicking you in the stomach while having a dvd of Schindlers List taped to their foot.
Definitely a buy if you can find it on DVD. It's like $30 on amazon.ca so someday I'll break down and replace my old worn VHS copy. You can also watch it on youtube. That is if you want to squint at the really small video.

I give this 5 Kenny Bakers out of 5.